Laptop and phone using Upskill.
Increase speed, decrease the headache so in harvest you can focus on what's important.
Laptop and phone using Upskill.

Fast & easy onboarding

Onboard anywhere at any time

Remove onboarding bottlenecks, allow staff to complete training anywhere at any time on any device.

Goodbye paper

No more printing hundreds of training booklets, manually doing paperwork and storing training records physically.

Automatic paperwork

Training is automatically marked and documented, dramatically reduces admin time.

Test staff knowledge

Make sure staff understand what they learnt with a question and answers section.

Powerful statistics

With one click, see important staff member information such as what and when training has been completed or how far through onboarding they are.

Role specific training

Easily create different training categories, allowing you to have different training for the orchard and the packhouse.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to transition to digital onboarding?
If we have your onboarding material, typically in 24 hours it will be ready for you to use on Upskill.

To produce your training videos, it typically takes 14 days but depends heavily on the following:

• Filming location
• When we can complete all filming
• Number of videos
• Length of videos
Will Upskill work for my business?
During our initial meeting we go through your current onboarding process to make sure you will benefit from our software, so far we haven't had a business that couldn't use our software!
Can I get a demo of Upskill?
Absolutely! Click here and let us know you want a demo, and we will showcase our software in detail just for you!
What devices can Upskill be used on?
Upskill is a web application, so any device that has an internet connection can use it.
Such as:

• Phone
• Tablet
• Laptop
• Computer

Here to help you!

Horticulture onboarding doesn't need to be long and boring.